Monday, January 16, 2017

Druid Animal Oracle: DOG

[Meditations upon Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm's Oracle Cards. I'm coming down with an illness, so the next few days some posts may be missed.]

Illustration by Bill Worthington

Today's Card: DOG-- "Cu" in Gaelic: Guidance, Protection, Loyalty

The card shows an Irish wolfhound resting placidly by a stream next to a large rock face with a cleft or cave in it. Tufts of grass and other plants are seen on the periphery.  The dog wears a gold collar.

I step through and the large dog looks alert instantly, with a twitch of its whole body. It was bored and waiting until my arrival, just patiently hoping for my companionship. She happily thumps her tail and greets me, sniffing me and playfully pawing the ground a little.

I sit upon the grass, listening to the water of the stream as it burbles past. Behind Dog I can hear a small waterfall. Now that I can see around the dog, I realize the darkness in the rock face is a cave, with water lapping at its entrance.

Dog lays down next to me for a time. I know we have a task, but first we're just getting comfortable with one another. I have issues with dog energy and need to commune for a while. Dog understands and is happy to comply.

Finally, I get up with the dog and stare at the cave. We have to go in, its pretty obvious to me. Dog tells me, in her own nonverbal way, that I have no reason to be worried, she would never let anything bad happen. She jumps into the water first, and dog-paddles to the cave, urging me to follow. When she gets out of the water at the cave, she shakes the water off, throwing droplets all over that make a small rainbow in the gentle sunlight.

I admire this spectacle for a moment before wading into the stream, swimming through the deeper part, and then emerging quickly at the cave's entrance. The cave is dark, and I can't see after 40 or so feet inside. But Dog leans against my legs and hips (she's big!) and I easily reach for her collar, and she leads me inwards. I now have a seeing-eye dog!

In pitch darkness, I'm led slowly inwards and down until I see a bluish-white light. Rounding a corner, a bright orb shines over a standing stone in a large open area of the cave. It appears like a miniature star. I realize its important to reach for it. When I do, it pulses and makes a bright flash, which disorients me and makes me dizzy. From behind, Dog leans and keeps me from falling over.

I'm not sure what happens now. The light seems to be above my head, it dances around a little and then remains above me as Dog leads me back towards the cave's entrance. I will need to know how to summon this light in later journeys, she tells me. All I ever have to do is call for her help, and she will bring it with her. Once we reach the entrance of the cave, the light dims a little and quickly retreats back deeper into the cave.

Before going back into the water to cross over, I realize I'm a little confused... that was it? The dog looks over at me and seems amused, shaking her head vigorously, making a chuffing sound. That was it for me, she says, because I didn't balk at trusting her to take me into the cave and back. Many do. The cave was linked to the transition between life and death, and I've already taken the leap of faith once. I don't have the fear of what lays "on the other side" like most...

Oh! I remember that in Celtic lore, dogs guard the entrance to the Underworld, so that makes sense! They are usually black, but this bitch (heh!) is of a lighter tone, not quite so serious and stark. She heads back into the water and crosses to the shore of the stream, and-- once more-- I follow.

Its about trust. Dog is pleased with me. I haven't forgotten how to trust, despite many betrayals. Its true it leaves me vulnerable, but it also means I have the strength and ability to connect and commune that those without trust can never have. She doesn't want me to lose that.

I lean against her chest for a little while, thanking her for showing me this truth, and for her help ahead when I need it later. I'm hoping my dog energy issues will be better, and ask Dog to intercede on my behalf if and when she can. She seems willing, but gives no clear answer. She gives me a couple tiny licks on my cheek and neck, and then I get up to return to my realm.


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